Scarlet Flame Zinnias, known scientifically as Zinnia elegans, are vibrant annuals renowned for their striking red flowers. Their blooms are rich in color, ranging from deep scarlet to a fiery red, making them a standout choice in any garden. These flowers are not only visually appealing to humans, but also attract a variety of pollinators, including butterflies and hummingbirds, enhancing garden biodiversity.
Originally from Mexico, Scarlet Flame Zinnias have a history dating back to the 18th century when they were first introduced to Europe. Over time, selective breeding has led to the development of many cultivars, with Scarlet Flame being prized for its intense color and robust growth. They're commonly used in ornamental gardens, borders, and as cut flowers due to their long-lasting blooms and ability to thrive in full sun and well-drained soil.