Lovage has an interesting history as a beautiful herb. This herb is very stately as it grows to heights between four and six feet tall. At the top of its' stems are beautiful pale yellow flowers.
This wonderful plant originally got the name "Lovage" from the derivative of "Love Ache". At first glance this seems to be a romantic woe or pain but in actuality it comes from the medieval name for parsley. You can trace the beginnings of this herb back to France, Europe, Romania and many more places. It has definitely been appreciated by many.
Lovage, scientifically called, Levisticum Officinale, flourishes in partly shady areas with a moist soil. This makes it an excellent choice for those difficult to plant areas.
It is no wonder that Lovage is virtually a universally favored herb. When you choose to grow this plant, nothing goes to waste. You can use the leaves in salads, soups and broths. The flowers are widely used in Romania to add extra flavors when pickling cabbages. Even the roots of this extraordinary plant do not go to waste. They are often eaten as a vegetable or a flavorful topping on salads. And, last but not least the seeds are often cherished as a spice, similar to the flavor found with fennel.
Lovage is not only tasty but has many medicinal uses. Some use this herb to tame a cough or even to relieve the pains a baby feels with colic. It is also very helpful with abdominal pains. There are even claims that this spectacular plant can help with liver problems.
Lovage is a herb that offers not only beauty and flavor, but also helps alleviate many aliments.