Grow a garden filled with gorgeous Painted Daisy flowers, from freshly harvested Chrysanthemum carinatum wildflower seeds. Painted Daisy consists of several color combinations, including red, white, pink, yellow & purple. Each flower is made up of about 20 petals measuring 1 to 1.5 inches in length. Each petal has a single base color, which is accented with a second, and sometimes third color, creating a two toned ring near the center of the flower. Painted Daisy flowers range in height from 18 to 36 inches tall. the foliage, leaves and stems are slender and green.
Painted Daisy is categorized as an annual flowering plant. They grow quickly from freshly harvested Chrysanthemum seeds, bloom profusely through the summer months and later die with the first frost. They are known to attract an array of beneficial insects to the garden, such as butterflies, bumblebees, hummingbirds & honeybees as well. Although they are grown as annuals, and will inevitably die with the harsh temperatures of winter, the seeds can still be collected, to regrow the following season.
Painted Daisy are appealing when sown in thick masses, due to their upright behavior and slender foliage. They are becoming more popularly used in landscaping and look great in flower beds, along borders & fences, or in pots & containers as well. These gorgeous flowers also make a lovely cut flower for floral arrangements & vases as well.