Tender asparagus shoots don't take much to prepare. After waiting two years for your plants to mature to the point where you harvest them, you want to get them ready for the table with minimal fuss. Following are three quick—but not so dirty—recipes that will reward you for your patience and inspire you to triple your asparagus beds.
First, here are a few preparation tips.
1. Don't peel your asparagus. Much of the flavor is in the stalk's outer layers.
2. Snap, don't cut, your pre-harvested shoots. You'll want to use a sharp knife to harvest your asparagus just above the soil, but for removing the tougher bottoms (only necessary for vegetables purchased from the store or stored for a few days) simply hold the stalk at its base with your right thumb and forefinger, and with your left, move up the stalk about two inches. Then snap! The breaking point is usually where the flavorful, most tender part of the shoot meets the older, woodier parts. Less guessing, and one less utensil to clean.
3. Store unused asparagus wrapped in a moist paper towel, or in a standing asparagus vase in the refrigerator for a few days. But remember, the fresher the better.